leadership development, executive coach, strategic planning, Seattle
Much is expected of leaders in high performing businesses. Building businesses as communities with high levels of trust, accountability, commitment and innovation requires different perspective, skills and tools than those of a traditional boss. Progress requires leadership. Leadership behaviors – not just titles and position. Route 2 provides the perspectives, skills and tools for those who hold leadership titles to make it easier and more satisfying to get business results through others – Top floor to shop floor. Our approach is a mix of the science of human behavior and the art of communication applied to the specific reality of our clients. Our process includes learning and specific application in team based settings to install high performance leadership across the organization. We developed and delivered customized leadership training and development for leaders from 14 countries and 4 generations.

If you would like to consider developing your next generation of leaders, call me @ (425) 242-5039, e-mail randyb@route2results.com

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